Eric Perez
Staff Writer With Saint Patrick's Day right around the corner, and everyone is getting ready for the little leprechauns to be out. Leprechauns come from Irish folktales, and are usually depicted as small bodied, short bearded men wearing green coats and hats with mischievous behavior. The leprechaun can be dated all the way back to the ninth century. Celtic history plays a big part in the leprechauns' past, as that is where people believe they had originated. Since they have been around for centuries, they have evolved into the short little green man that steals people's gold. They have also been depicted as shoe makers, with their pot of gold hidden at the end of the rainbow. Irish folklore has depicted these creatures as alcohol stealing thieves, probably an excuse for drinking all their goods. The earliest reference to these creatures is a medieval tale known as Echtra Fergus mac Leti, or Adventures of Fergus, Son of Leti. The tale follows Fergus Mac Leti, the king of Ulster. He falls asleep on the beach and wakes up to three small, bearded creatures dragging him into the sea. The King Leti then proceeds to capture his abductors, The leprechauns then grant him three wishes in return for their freedom. Leprechauns have also become very popular during the month of march, as Saint Patrick's Day is March 17th. This is the day where people dress all up in green and pinch each other for not wearing green. It is also when people cause some mayhem, and pull crazy pranks on each other. Leprechauns are tricksters and play practical jokes, which people are very amused by these pranks. Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated all across the world, and everyone celebrates it differently; in the core of it, there is almost always some leprechaun-like creature. In America, Leprechauns have been used as slogans, mascots, and more. For instance the Boston Celtics, an NBA Basketball team's mascot is Lucky the Leprechaun. He is a small bodied person with clovers all over his green shirt, a pipe, and a top hat. Lucky has clovers all over him, as the clover is a representation of Ireland. There are three leaf clovers, which were leaves that were very common in Ireland. There is also a four leafed clover which is supposed to represent luck. That's why these leprechauns are so lucky. Another one is Lucky Charms cereal, whose mascot is also a leprechaun named Lucky, but he is dressed in all green, with fancy shoes and a single four-leafed clover sticking from his hat. From Ireland to America, the folklore has had much research and conspiracies, and there will be more to come. The tale of the leprechaun will stay the same.
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